Marine & Technical Management

Our company has a team of ex-ocean going ship Captains and Chief Engineers with vast experience in sailing and maintenance management dedicated to provide ship management services in all aspect.
Our technical management personnel can offer to develop scientific program for a variety of ship; arrangement to supply spare parts and materials as well as providing technical guidance for ship repairs and maintenance timely and effectively.
Strictly in accordance with ISM / ISPS / MLC relevant regulations, our technical management team will coordinate with the ship owner on ship service to plan ahead, gradually improve the management files, ensure that the ship successfully passed PSC inspection, improved the operational capabilities of the ship effectively so as to provide protection and functionality of the ship equipment.
i-Ship Solution

i-Ship Module Function

Owners are able to select specific modules that their team needs; The modules in blue are the basic function,and in black aread more -->

i-Ship Advantage

i-Ship is the management process led by onshore team,operated by crews onboard. Able to access though the Internet; read more -->