Purchase & Cost Control

  • Maintenance,PMS
keep all machiney equiments in good condition;
  • Ship Energy Efficiency Management
The purpose of the ship energy efficiency management plan (SEEMP) is to establish procedures for ship to improve the energy efficiency of a ship’s operation. To protect people and environment by tracking and analyzing energy consumption on vessels, using lessons learned and best practices, to improve energy efficiency while reducing CO2 emissions;
  • Voyage Repair, drydock
Repair duration,quality,cost control
  • LO,Spare parts and stores
Order check, quotation,supply
i-Ship Solution

i-Ship Module Function

Owners are able to select specific modules that their team needs; The modules in blue are the basic function,and in black aread more -->

i-Ship Advantage

i-Ship is the management process led by onshore team,operated by crews onboard. Able to access though the Internet; read more -->